Why Public Toilets?

Why Public Main Img

Our ability to respond to a universal biological need is a basic human right. And those of us who have medical issues or are older, younger or pregnant make more frequent toilet visits.


Public toilets enable us to be physically active and enjoy new experiences when we’re away from home. Our mental well-being is enhanced when we’re out with families and friends and know there’s a place “to go.”


Public toilets help us get out of cars and onto our feet, our bicycles and mass transit. We feel comfortable and welcome in places where it’s easy to find public facilities.

Public toilets are fundamental to human dignity.

The ability to respond to a universal biological human need is a human right. Beyond these fundamentals, public restrooms deliver multiple benefits to contemporary communities.

Public toilets make good business sense.

For visitors to a neighborhood or to an establishment, the restroom is often the place where first and lasting impressions are made. When we know we have access to facilities, we stroll, window shop, and linger in commercial districts.

Public toilets contribute to public health.

They support physical activity and fitness by enabling people to be moving and at ease in outdoor space away from home. Adverse health effects result from involuntary urinary retention. Mental health suffers when people want to be out with their families and friends but stay home because restrooms are not available.

Public toilets help revitalize downtown areas and foster urban livability.

People are comfortable being in places where they know they can find public facilities. They stroll, window shop,and linger in commercial districts. Families can better organize multi-generational events in public parks that properly accommodate their youngsters and oldsters.

Public toilets inspire people to get out of cars and onto their feet, bicycles and mass transit.

They help us get out of cars and onto our feet, our bicycles and mass transit. Commuters need restrooms along their routes. Without facilities that serve public transit systems and pedestrians, people will continue to drive.

Public toilets serve people who are “restroom challenged.”

We use “restroom challenged” to refer to folks who really need toilets available when they’re away from home. First, there are those who need to go almost hourly. These people may have normal conditions – young age, old age, females who are pregnant or menstruating – or medical conditions, many of which are invisible. Second, there are those whose need for a toilet comes urgently, suddenly and without warning. These include most people with chronic conditions such as Crohn’s disease and colitis as well as those temporarily afflicted with food borne illnesses. Third, are people with mobility impairments for whom physically getting to and using a restroom just takes time and effort.

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