Walk for Water, Walk with PHLUSH!

Dear Friends,

World Water Day (WWD) is this week. Around the globe, events will be held to bring awareness to the importance of water and sanitation. In Portland, a third annual Walk for Water will be on Sunday, March 27th from 1 pm to 3 pm. We cordially invite you, your family, and your friends to walk with our organization PHLUSH (Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human).

The 2011 WWD theme is Water for Cities: Responding to the Urban Challenge.   Over half of the global population, 3.3 billion people, resides in cities. In some cities (mostly in “developing” countries), adequate systems for providing water to all people do not exist. And systems for dealing with raw sewage are not feasible in densely populated slums. Even in “developed” countries, we release treated wastewater into our drinking-water sources. Sometimes we even release raw sewage into our drinking-water sources through combined sewer overflows (CSOs) during periods of high rain.

Come walk with PHLUSH this WWD in Portland on Sunday. Help spread the word about the importance of clean water (free of sewage and other contaminants) and adequate sanitation for all people.   Here are details:
  1. Register for Walk for Water here.
  2. E-mail PHLUSH to to tell us you’re joining us.
  3. Meet us at the PHLUSH table at the World Trade Center Plaza at 12:30. Get a PHLUSH clean water awareness message to pin to your walking wear and some handouts.
  4. Walk the 3.1 mile route with the PHLUSH group. Hand out flyers along the way. Have fun.
  5. End the walk. Enjoy a great Sunday.
We have a limited number of sponsorships for three children and one adult. Let us know if you would like a sponsorship.  Hope to see you on Sunday!
