New signs tell Portland visitors where to go
New signs tell Portland visitors where to go
Now appearing in neighborhood windows are blue and white signs that inform visitors of the location and hours of nearby public restrooms. And cooperating Old Town Chinatown retailers are welcoming walk-ins postcards with this information rather than saying “We don’t have public restrooms.”With the opening of a new Portland Loo on Naito Parkway at the foot of SW Ash St later in 2010, Old Town Chinatown will have public toilets at five locations, or never more than a five minute walk away.PHLUSH, for Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human, implemented the program with a small grant from the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, design assistance from LRS Architects and the UPS Store at PSU Urban Plaza, and distribution through a network of more than fifty community partners.Project Manager and PHLUSH Co-Founder Lan Nguyen has additional postcards and signs available at Orchid Salon, 203 NW 2nd. She can be reached at 503.226.9500.
Now appearing in the windows of Portland’s Old Town Chinatown are blue and white signs that inform visitors of the location and hours of nearby public restrooms. And cooperating neighborhood retailers are welcoming walk-ins with postcards with this information, rather than saying “We don’t have public restrooms.”
With the opening of a new Portland Loo on Naito Parkway at the foot of SW Ash St later in 2010, Old Town Chinatown will have public toilets at five locations, or never more than a five minute walk away.
PHLUSH implemented the program with a small grant from the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, design assistance from LRS Architects and the UPS Store at PSU Urban Plaza, and distribution through a network of more than fifty community partners.
Project Manager and PHLUSH Co-Founder Lan Nguyen, shown here passing out a sign to Fox & Hounds owner Phil, welcomes others to help get the word out about nearby public restrooms. Those wishing to replenish supplies of postcards may contact Lan or stop by to pick them up at Orchid Salon, 203 NW 2nd, Portland.
Now appearing in neighborhood windows are blue and white signs that inform visitors of the location and hours of nearby public restrooms.
And cooperating Old Town Chinatown retailers are welcoming walk-ins with postcards with this information rather than saying “We don’t have public restrooms.”
With the opening of a new Portland Loo on Naito Parkway at the foot of SW Ash St next month, Old Town Chinatown will have public toilets at five locations, or never more than a five minute walk away.
PHLUSH implemented the program with a small grant from the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, design assistance from LRS Architects and the UPS Store at PSU Urban Plaza, and distribution through a network of more than fifty community partners.
Project Manager and PHLUSH Co-Founder Lan Nguyen, shown here passing out a sign to Fox & Hounds owner Phil, welcomes others to help get the word out about nearby public restrooms. Those wishing to replenish supplies of postcards may contact Lan or stop by to pick them up at Orchid Salon, 203 NW 2nd, Portland.