Celebrate World Toilet Day on November 19th
Celebrate World Toilet Day on November 19th
Seedfolks Roots & Shoots and 4-H Clubshttp://milwaukee.uwex.edu/youth/4h/documents/TheBigSquat.pdf
are inviting you to squat with us for one minute to draw awareness to this serious problem. We would like to have a squatting line that winds throughout the church!
World Toilet Day is coming on November 19. I know what you’re thinking: sounds silly, right? But there’s nothing funny about the fact that 2.5 billion people in the world don’t have proper sanitation. This causes serious problems:
-Diarrheal diseases kill five times as many children in the developing world as HIV/AIDS. -Diarrheal diseases cause 2.2 million deaths a year, mostly among children under five. That’s the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing EVERY DAY.
-Women who must go to secluded spaces in their village to “squat” are very often raped while trying to do something we take for granted many times each day.
Milaukee 4-H Clubs: You rock!
World Toilet Day is November 19. A lengthening list of events are being planned throughout the world to bring attention to the 2.5 billion who don’t have proper sanitation.
Did you know?
- Diarrheal diseases kill five times as many children in the developing world as HIV/AIDS. Diarrheal diseases cause 2.2 million deaths a year, mostly among children under five. That’s the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing EVERY DAY.
- Women who must go to secluded spaces in their village to “squat” are often raped while trying to do something we take for granted many times each day.