Let’s Legalize Composting & UD toilets in US

Summer Greetings!
We’re weeks away from finalizing a national composting toilet code that includes urine diversion.
Here’s some background. IAMPO (the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) noticed Recode’s current research and outreach and asked us to draft and submit the code. For the past four months, we have been taking comments and honing the language of this new code that will allow homeowners in North America to design and build toilet systems that protect the environment while meeting household needs and budgets. On August 22nd this draft code will go to a vote at the IAPMO Green Technical Committee Meeting.
We want our Director Melora Golden to be there to make sure the code passes. Now we need $560 to cover Melora’s airfare ($300) and hotel ($260) at the IAPMO World Headquarters in Ontario, California. Your support can make these things happen:
- Give Recode a chance to answer clarifying questions and rally support to make sure the code passes.
- Enable Recode to build powerful connections with one of the largest code-making institutions in the US.
- Enhance Recode’s ability to receive grants; foundations are more likely to fund organizations with community support.
Please support evidenced-based, environmentally-sound toilet code. Can you reach into your pocket? Or pass the hat at the next gathering of your environmentally-minded friends or colleagues? Ten donations of $56 will get us there. Can you do your part?
Please DONATE to Recode through our fabulously supportive fiscal sponsor, SouthEast Uplift, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible.
Thank you,
Molly Danielsson & Melora Golden
Okay, PHLUSH friends and followers, this code change is fully aligned with our mission. Let’s help Recode. Please share this request with others and on social media (using links below). Contribute what you can. To track Recode’s research and remarkable progress more closely, visit www.recode.org and sign up for Recode Updates.