Through education and advocacy, PHLUSH helps local governments and citizen groups to provide equitable public restroom availability and to prepare for sanitation disasters with appropriate ecological toilet systems.
Why Public Hygiene?

Our ability to respond to a universal biological need is a basic human right. Our houseless neighbors, those of us who have medical conditions, and those who are older, younger, pregnant, menstruating, or non-binary are especially in need of safe and adequate facilities to meet their sanitary needs.

Public toilets enable us to be physically active and enjoy new experiences when we’re away from home. Our mental well-being is enhanced when we’re out with families and friends and know there's a place "to go." Adequate facilities promote more time spent enjoying our public spaces.

Our sewers run the risk of damage due to earthquakes, flooding, cyber-hacking, and other threats. Most emergency preparedness resources/kits don't plan for an alternative way of using the toilet when needed. Having this plan in place isn't just smart - it could save a life.
Why You Should Consider Making Your Restroom More Inclusive (And How To Do It) By Kip Earlywine (Used with permission from Green Flush Restrooms) It’s a beautiful day outside, so Dave decides to visit a new city park he hasn’t visited before. Upon arrival, he’s struck by the care and detail…
Research with MFA student Xinxiao Hui Public Pissour, or urinal, in Nyhavn, Copenhagen While Copenhagen may be listed as the fifth most densely populated city for public toilet per square kilometer in 2023, they are not always easy to find or accessible for all…
Research with MFA student Keliang Li Pee Curl, or public urinal for men, in Amsterdam On a recent trip to Amsterdam, when I asked a local shop owner where I could use the restroom, she told me there were plenty of places for men but…
Why You Should Consider Making Your Restroom More Inclusive (And How To Do It)
Public Toilets Case Studies with Pratt Institute: Copenhagen, Denmark
Public Toilets Case Studies with Pratt Institute: Amsterdam, Netherlands
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